The first 10 to register will receive a gift.
09/05/2020 @ 9:00 am

Exit Opioids 2nd Annual 1-Mile and 5K Run/Walk
5K, 1 Mile Run
Dorothea Dix Park - with a view of the Raleigh Downtown Skyline

About the Event

What //

5K, 1 Mile Run

When //

Sat, September 5, 2020 @ 9:00 am

Where //

Dorothea Dix Park - with a view of the Raleigh Downtown Skyline
Intersection of Cranmer Dr and Palmer Dr.

Contact //

For any questions or additional information, please contact us by Clicking Here.


This 2nd Annual event will be held on the Dorothea Dix Campus on Saturday, September 5th, beginning at 9 am. Profits from the event will go to Exit Opioids to fulfill the mission and vision of the organization.

Exit Opioids (Exit) is a non-profit organization that was established in 2019 in Cary, North Carolina and created to connect people suffering from drug addiction 
to treatment centers, services, and resources in the fastest way possible to help them eliminate drug dependency. This non-profit was established to reduce the gap that many programs have with addressing the opioid crisis and the lack of user-level awareness that exists. There is an abundance of various help resources available, but resources are not always accessible by the users in a timely fashion - at the critical time when in crisis, to enable an immediate connection with the self-assisted facilities. Exit’s connection platform to treatment centers, services and resources is expected to reduce opioid overdose and overdose death.

Click here to visit the Exit Opioids web site.

The mile will begin at 9 am; while the featured 5K will start at 9:30 am.

Those in the 1MI or 5K can elect to receive an official finish time or just participate in the event without being timed.  However, only the timed entrants will be eligible for awards at the end of the race.

The entry fee for the 5K is $35 ($20 for those ages 12 and younger). The mile entry fee is $15 ($10 for those ages 12 and younger).

There is a special family entry fee of $90 for a family of four or less. Additional family members can enter for $15.

The entry fees increase by $5 after August 19th. T-shirt order sizes are guaranteed to all registered by the 19th. After that date, shirts will be available if there are supplies.

In the 5K awards will be presented to the top three male finishers overall, to the top three female finishers overall, and to the top three finishers (both sexes) in each of the following age groups (both sexes): 12-under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70-over.

Click here to download a course map.

During the event, Exit Opioids will capture the stories and experience from treatment centers, family members of people struggling with drug dependency, and personal experience from people in recovery.

Packet Pick-up
TBD closer to the date of the event
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